UWB Location Tag Firmware Source Code - Price: $450 USD
This is the firmware of the tag T101C/T1205C and T1202W.
We have multiple tag products, but there is only one set of firmware source code, which is universal. All models of tag hardware use STM32F103CB as the main control chip.
Tag firmware is divided into two parts: Bootloader and Application .
Bootloader is the boot program and does not change once it is flashed into the hardware. Its main functions are: loading applications/USB upgrade applications.
Application - the functions of tag are implemented here.
When upgrading firmware, the new firmware is divided into multiple encrypted data packets and uploaded to the tag hardware (received by Bootloader or Application) using the tag configuration program. After decryption, it is written to the backup Flash area, the use backup Flash flag is set, and the restart is complete upgrade.
The main function of the tag firmware: regularly sends TDOA location UWB wireless data packets. There are also some additional functions, such as obtaining battery voltage/detecting ambient brightness, etc.
There are some additional codes, such as three-dimensional accelerometer data acquisition/heart rate detection, etc. These codes are additional and have not been carefully tested. We do not guarantee that the functions of this part of the code can be used in the product. These features are also not available in our mass-produced products.
There are also codes for additional functions such as receiving UWB data packets/sending and receiving TOF data packets, etc., which are not guaranteed to work properly. This part of the code was added before we stopped this project, and these functions have not been fully implemented.
The EUI64 address of the tag needs to be initialized by the "Tag Factory Initialization Program". This "Initialization Program" is used internally and has not been made public. You need to purchase UWB Location Tag Factory Initialization Program Source Code - Price: $2,000 USD.
The configuration of UWB parameters needs to be read and written by the "Tag Configuration Program". Previously, the "Tag Configuration Program" was publicly available to users for free. You can directly use the "Tag Configuration Program" we compiled, or you can purchase UWB Location Tag Configuration Program Source Code - Price: $1,200 USD
All code for the tag firmware is written in IAR C and compiled using the IAR environment.
We ensure that you can compile the Bootloader and Application normally and flash them into the anchor MCU. If you want to add additional features, that's your business. Of course, you can also entrust us to help you develop other functions.